var lang = { "nav": { "calls": { "myCurrentCalls": "My Current Calls", "history": { "rootLabel": "Call History", "recentCalls": "Recent Calls", "searchCalls": "Search Calls" }, "queue": { "rootLabel": "Queue", "waitingQueueCalls": "Waiting Calls", "queueAgents": "Queue Agents", "queueAnalytics": "Analytics Report" }, "voicemail": { "rootLabel": "Voicemail" }, "extension": { "rootLabel": "Extension Settings", "extensionMobility": "Extension Mobility", "fmfm": "Find-Me / Follow-Me", "presenceStatus": "Presence Status" } }, "meetings": { "rootLabel": "Meetings" }, "sms": { "conversations": "Conversations", "nicknames": "Manage Nicknames" }, "fax": { "myfaxes": "My Faxes", "sendfax": "Send Fax" }, "directories": { "personal": "Edit Personal Directory", "system": "Directories" }, "utils": { "clock": "System Clock", "dialpad": "Dialpad" } }, "events": { "interactionModal": { "title": "SUCCESS", "warningText": "You are logged in.", "cancelButtonTitle": "Ok" } }, "login": { "divTitle_userportal": "USER PORTAL", "divTitle_loginfail": "Login Failure", "divTitle_welcome": "Welcome! Since you're logging into the system for the first time, you will need to choose a password", "divTitle_2fa": "Two-Factor Authentication", "divTitle_2fa_helptext": "This system provides two-factor authentication to protect your account against intruders. When logging in, you will be able to confirm your identity using one of the provided methods.", "divTitle_gauth_enroll": "Google Authenticator Enrollment", "divTitle_gauth_enroll_helptext": "Scan the QR code with your Authenticator application, then enter the code shown in Authenticator to continue.", "divTitle_u2f_enroll": "Security Key Enrollment", "divTitle_u2f_enroll_helptext1": "Add two-factor keys below. Plug in your key and click Enroll when ready. Supported keys include Yubikey and Google Titan.", "divTitle_u2f_enroll_helptext2": "NOTE: Not all browsers support U2F key authentication. (Chrome or Firefox recommended.)", "divTitle_phone_enroll": "Phone Call Enrollment", "divTitle_phone_enroll_helptext1": "The system will call you on this phone number and read a numeric validation code each time you log into the user portal. Click ", "divTitle_phone_enroll_helptext2": "Call Me", "divTitle_phone_enroll_helptext3": "to complete a verification of the phone number.", "divTitle_text_enroll": "Text Message Enrollment", "divTitle_text_enroll_helptext1": "The system will send a text message to this phone number containing a numeric validation code each time you log into the user portal. Click", "divTitle_text_enroll_helptext2": "Text Me", "divTitle_text_enroll_helptext3": "to complete a verification of the phone number.", "divTitle_email_enroll": "E-Mail Enrollment", "divTitle_email_enroll_helptext1": "The system will send an e-mail to the e-mail configured for the account containing a numeric validation code each time you log into the user portal.", "divTitle_email_enroll_helptext2": "Send", "divTitle_email_enroll_helptext3": "to complete a verification of the e-mail.", "divTitle_password_assistance": "Password Assistance", "divTitle_password_reset": "Password reset", "divTitle_password_reset_helptext": "Click continue to have an email sent to the address associated with your extension containing a one-time code.", "settings": { "label_btnLogin": "Login", "label_btnLogout": "Logout", "label_btnBack": "Back", "label_error": "Error", "label_btnContinue": "Continue", "label_extension_placeholder": "Extension", "label_password_placeholder": "Password", "label_rememberme": "Remember Me?", "label_rememberme_smalltext": "Do not select on shared computers.", "label_forgotpassword": "Forgot your password?", "label_enrollmentpassword": "System Enrollment Password", "label_enrollmentpassword_tooltip": "Enrollment Password: Provided by your system administrator.", "label_newpassword": "New Password", "label_repeatpassword": "Repeat Password", "label_passwordstregth": "Password Strength", "label_select_2fa": "Choose a 2FA Method", "label_select_2fa_u2f": "U2F Security Key", "label_select_2fa_gauth": "Google Authenticator", "label_select_2fa_text": "Text Message", "label_select_2fa_phone": "Phone Call", "label_select_2fa_email": "E-Mail", "label_select_2fa_none": "None (Skip)", "label_2fa_none_desc": "Do not configure Two-Factor Authentication at this time.", "label_2fa_u2f_title": "Use a U2F security key.", "label_2fa_u2f_desc": "You will be required to insert your compatible security key(s) (Yubikey, Google Titan, etc) and press its button when prompted during login.", "label_u2f_gauth_title": "Use Google Authenticator application.", "label_2fa_gauth_desc": "You will be required to access Google Authenticator and enter the temporary key as instructed during login.", "label_2fa_phone_title": "Receive a phone call", "label_2fa_phone_desc": "System will dial your number and speak a five-digit code that you will be required to enter during login.", "label_2fa_text_title": "Receive a text message.", "label_2fa_text_desc": "System will send you a text message containing a five-digit code that you will be required to enter during login.", "label_2fa_email_title": "Receive an e-mail.", "label_2fa_email_desc": "System will send you an e-mail to the address configured for your extension containing a five-digit code that you will be required to enter during login.", "label_gauth_code_placeholder": "Enter Authenticator Code", "label_gauth_code_helptext": "Enter the code currently displayed on your Google Authenticator application.", "label_gauth_code_error": "My Google Authenticator application is lost/unavailable.", "header_u2f_key": "Key Name", "label_u2f_keyname_placeholder": "Name For This Key", "label_btnU2fEnroll": "Enroll", "label_btnAddu2fKey": "Add Security Key", "label_u2f_signin": "Security Key", "label_u2f_signin_helptext": "Attach your security key and press the button when prompted. NOTE: Make sure you are using a browser that supports U2F authentication!", "label_u2f_signin_retry": "Retry Key", "label_u2f_signin_lostkey": "My security keys are lost/unavailable.", "label_u2f_phone_placeholder": "Enter Phone Number", "label_u2f_phonecode_placeholder": "Enter Validation Code", "label_phone_signin_helptext": "In a few moments, the configured number for this account will receive a call with the current validation code.", "label_phone_signin_retry": "Did not receive call? Retry.", "label_phone_signin_skip": "Cannot receive call? Skip 2-Factor Authentication.", "label_text_placeholder": "Enter Mobile Number", "label_text_signin_helptext": "A validation code is being sent to the mobile number configured for your account.", "label_text_signin_retry": "Resend Text Message.", "label_text_signin_skip": "Cannot receive sms? Skip 2-Factor Authentication.", "label_email_signin_retry": "Resend E-Mail.", "label_email_signin_skip": "Didn't receive email? Skip 2-Factor Authentication.", "label_email_signin_helptext": "A validation code is being sent to the e-mail address configured for your account.", "label_password_reset": "Choose a password and click Continue when finished.", "label_2fa_bypass_step1_helptext1": "Step One", "label_2fa_bypass_step1_helptext2": "An e-mail will be sent to the address associated with your extension containing a one-time code.", "label_2fa_bypass_emailsent": "E-mail sent. Please check your e-mail and enter the one-time validation code below.", "label_2fa_bypass_step2_helptext1": "Step Two", "label_2fa_bypass_step2_helptext2": "Your extension will receive a phone call with a different one-time validation code.", "label_2fa_bypass_calling": "Calling... Please enter the one-time validation code below.", "error_missing_enrollpassword": "Missing: System Enrollment Password", "error_password_mismatch": "Passwords do not match.", "warningmodal_deletekey": "You are about to delete this security key. Are you sure?", "label_code_retry_placeholder": "Enter Validation Code (Retry)", "label_code_tryagain_placeholder": "Enter Validation Code (Try Again)", "label_code_required_placeholder": "Enter Validation Code (Required)", "warningmodal_phoneerror2xa": "An error has occurred. (2XA) Contact your administrator for assistance.", "warningmodal_phoneerror6tq": "An error has occurred. (6TQ) Contact your administrator for assistance.", "label_resetpassword_validate": "Validating...", "warningmodal_passwordreset_error": "A verification or communications error has occurred during password reset. Please refresh page and try again. Contact your administrator for assistance.", "warningmodal_passwordreset_success": "Password has been successfully reset. You may now retry login.", "label_passwordreset_lockout1": "Your account is currently locked out.", "label_passwordreset_lockout2": "Please wait a few minutes before trying again.", "label_passwordreset_error": "An error has occurred. Either the extension you have selected is invalid or it does not have an e-mail address configured.", "label_resetpassword_emailsent": "E-mail sent to the registered address for the requested extension.", "label_passwordreset_extension_placeholder": "Enter Extension (Required)", "label_sendingtext": "Code validation message send to number ending in", "label_sendingemail": "Code validation message sent to address", "warningmodal_bypass2fa": "You may temporarily bypass two-factor authentication. You must have access the configured e-mail account AND be able to receive a phone call at your extension. If not, contact your administrator for assistance.", "warningmodal_redialrequest": "Confirm that you did not receive a phone call containing the security code. System will redial. If you continue to have problems, contact your administrator for assistance.", "label_text_toomanyattempts": "Sorry, there have been too many text message attempts.", "label_phone_toomanyattempts": "Sorry, there have been too many dial attempts.", "label_error_contactadmin": "Please contact your administrator for assistance.", "label_phone_callinprogress": "Calling number ending in", "warningmodal_invalid_phonenumber": "Please enter a valid US telephone number.", "label_phonecall_coderequest": "Request for code validation call placed.", "label_phonecall_codesent": "Code validation message sent.", "label_toomany_keyattempt": "Sorry, there have been too many failed key attempts.", "label_error_apiresponse": "ERROR: Invalid API response. Contact support.", "label_keyread_error": "Key read error.", "label_keyvalidate_error": "ERROR Validating Key.", "warningmodal_key_alreadyregistered": "This key is already registered.", "label_keyregister_success": "Security key successfully registered.", "label_keyverify_error": "Error: Key verification failure.", "label_u2f_toomanyattempts": "Sorry, there have been too many authentication attempts.", "label_gauthcode_tryagain": "Enter Authenticator Code (Try Again)", "label_enrollpassword_invalid": "Enrollment password was invalid.", "label_enrollpassword_tryagain": "System Enrollment Password (Try Again)", "label_login_failure": "Login Failure", "label_login_toomany_attempts1": "Too Many Login Failures", "label_login_toomany_attempts2": "Please wait before trying to log in again.", "label_login_portal_disabled": "User Portal is disabled.", "label_password_specialchars": "Special character required.", "label_password_tooshort": "Password is too short. (Minimum length:", "label_password_weak": "Weak", "label_password_medium": "Medium", "label_password_good": "Good", "label_password_recoveryhelp": "Do you want to reset your password? More failed login attempts will lock this account." } }, "callwidgets": { "queuelogin": { "divTitle": "Agent Login/Logout", "tableheader_queue": "Queue", "tableheader_description": "Description" }, "currentCalls": { "divTitle": "My Current Calls" }, "recentCalls": { "divTitle": "My Recent Calls", "header_Number": "Number", "header_Name": "Name", "header_When": "When" }, "queuedCalls": { "divTitle": "Waiting Queue Calls", "header_Waiting": "Waiting", "header_CallTime": "Call Time", "header_Queue": "Queue", "header_CallerID": "CallerID", "settings": { "warning_monitor1": "Are you sure you wish to", "warning_monitor2": "monitor", "warning_invalidnumber": "The target entered is not a valid extension or phone number." } }, "queueAgents": { "divTitle": "Queue Agents", "header_Status": "Status", "header_Agent": "Agent", "header_Agent_DropHelper": "Drop Call on Agent", "header_CurrentCall": "Current Call", "header_totalCalls": "Total Calls", "header_TotalTalk": "Total Talk", "header_AvgTalk": "Avg Talk", "header_MaxTalk": "Max Talk" }, "dialpad": { "divTitle": "Dialpad" }, "queuedCalls_filters": { "divTitle": "Queued Calls Filters", "btnSaveQueuedCallsPreset": "Save", "label_selectfilter_no": "Filtered: No", "label_selectfilter_yes": "Filtered: Yes", "label_selectfilter_using": "Using:" }, "queueAgents_filters": { "divTitle": "Queue Agents Filters", "loggedin_only": "Logged In Agents Only?", "hide_unavailable": "Hide Unavailable Agents?" }, "scheduleReport": { "divTitle": "Scheduled Reports", "manageTitle": "Manage", "editSectionHeader_ReportDetails": "Report Details", "editSectionHeader_GeneralSettings": "General Settings", "editSectionHeader_ScheduleInfo": "Schedule Information", "btnClose": "Close", "btnAdd": "Add", "btnRemoveAll": "Remove All", "btnCancel": "Cancel", "btnSave": "Save", "tblColumnReportName": "Report Name", "tblColumnRecipients": "Recipients", "tblColumnTimeframe": "Timeframe", "tblColumnOccurrence": "Occurrence", "editTabGeneral": "General", "editTabSettings": "Settings", "editTabReport": "Report", "editTabDetails": "Details", "editQueuesLabel": "Queues", "editReportTypeLabel": "Report Type", "editReportTypeTooltip": "Select the type of report to be generated.", "editRunPreviousLabel": "Run for Previous", "editRunPreviousTooltip": "Enable to fetch data for the previous timeframe. By default, scheduled reporting runs based on the current day/week/month/year. Example usage: report set to run on the first of every month with data of the previous month.", "editReportNameLabel": "Report Name", "editReportNamePlaceholder": "Report Name (Required)", "editRecipientLabel": "Recipient(s)", "editRecipientTooltip": "Supply the destination email addresse(s) for this report. If entering more than one, separate addresses with a comma.", "editRecipientPlaceholder": "Recipient(s) (Required)", "editOngoingLabel": "Ongoing", "editOngoingTooltip": "If enabled, the schedule will have no end date. If disabled, the report will run between the start and end dates at the 'Occurrance' interval specified.", "editStartDateLabel": "Start On", "editStartDateTooltip": "Select the start date for the schedule.", "editStartDatePlaceholder": "Start Date (Required)", "editEndDateLabel": "End On", "editEndDateTooltip": "Select the end date for the schedule.", "editEndDatePlaceholder": "End Date (Required)", "editExpiredDate": "Expired date", "editDeleteExpiredLabel": "Delete When Expired", "editDeleteExpiredTooltip": "If enabled, the system will delete this schedule report once it runs on the end date.", "editOccurranceLabel": "Occurrence", "editOccurranceTooltip": "Define the options for how often the report will be sent." }, "queueAnalytics": { "divTitle": "Queue Analytics Report", "header_runreport": "Run Report", "label_btnQueueReportReturn": "Report Parameters", "label_btnQueueReportGenerate": "Run", "label_btnQueueReportSchedule": "Schedule", "label_btnQueueReportExport": "Export", "label_queueselect": "Queue", "label_queueselect_tooltip": "Select a queue you wish to generate a report on.", "label_queueselect_placeholder": "Select a Queue", "label_queueremove_tooltip": "Remove Selections", "label_includeagents_enable": "Include Agents", "label_includeagents_tooltip": "Enable to include agents and individual information of the selected queues. Disable to not include any agents in the report.", "label_reporttype": "Report Type", "label_reporttype_tooltip": "Select the type of report to be generated", "label_reporttype_summary": "Queue Summary", "label_reporttype_details": "Event Details", "label_reporttype_agentdetails": "Agent Details", "label_reporttype_agentdetails_agentlookup": "Agent Lookup", "label_timeframeselect": "Timeframe", "label_timeframeselect_tooltip": "Select how the data will be organized.", "label_timeframeselect_placeholder": "Select a Timeframe", "label_timeframeselect_day": "Day", "label_timeframeselect_week": "Week", "label_timeframeselect_month": "Month", "label_timeframeselect_year": "Year", "label_timeframeselect_custom": "Custom", "label_timeframeselect_year_placeholder": "Select a Year", "label_timeframeselect_month_placeholder": "Select a Month", "label_timeframeselect_week_placeholder": "Select a Range", "label_timeframeselect_month_january": "January", "label_timeframeselect_month_february": "February", "label_timeframeselect_month_march": "March", "label_timeframeselect_month_april": "April", "label_timeframeselect_month_may": "May", "label_timeframeselect_month_june": "June", "label_timeframeselect_month_july": "July", "label_timeframeselect_month_august": "August", "label_timeframeselect_month_september": "September", "label_timeframeselect_month_october": "October", "label_timeframeselect_month_november": "November", "label_timeframeselect_month_december": "December", "title_queuesummary": "Queue Summary", "colheader_queuesummary_queue": "Queue Name", "colheader_queuesummary_calls": "Calls", "colheader_queuesummary_agent": "Agent", "colheader_queuesummary_period_hour": "Hour", "colheader_queuesummary_period_day": "Day", "colheader_queuesummary_period_date": "Date", "colheader_queuesummary_period_month": "Month", "colheader_queuesummary_period_period": "Period", "colheader_queuesummary_answered": "Answered", "colheader_queuesummary_answer": "Answer", "colheader_queuesummary_abandoned": "Abandoned", "colheader_queuesummary_abandon": "Abandon", "colheader_queuesummary_timeout": "Timeout", "colheader_queuesummary_exit": "Exit", "colheader_queuesummary_avghold": "Avg Hold", "colheader_queuesummary_avgtalk": "Avg Talk", "colheader_queuesummary_maxtalk": "Max Talk", "colheader_queuesummary_totaltalk": "Total Talk", "colheader_queuesummary_offered": "Offered", "colheader_queuesummary_mintime": "Min Time", "colheader_queuesummary_avgtime": "Avg Time", "colheader_queuesummary_maxtime": "Max Time", "colheader_queuesummary_total": "Total", "colheader_eventdetails_datetime": "Date/Time", "colheader_eventdetails_queue": "Queue", "colheader_eventdetails_uid": "UniqueID", "colheader_eventdetails_caller": "Caller", "colheader_eventdetails_event": "Event", "colheader_eventdetails_agent": "Agent", "colheader_eventdetails_duration": "Duration", "colheader_eventdetails_directionEvent": "Direction / Event", "colheader_eventdetails_PNDescription": "Phone Number / Description", "colheader_eventdetails_holdtime": "Holdtime", "colheader_eventdetails_ringtime": "Ringtime", "colheader_eventdetails_result": "Result", "label_agentDetails_filter_showall": "Show All", "label_agentDetails_filter_allexceptinternal": "All Except Internal", "label_agentDetails_filter_allexceptstatus": "All Except Status", "label_agentDetails_filter_status": "Status Changes", "label_agentDetails_filter_externalcalls": "External Calls", "label_agentDetails_filter_internalcalls": "Internal Calls", "label_agentDetails_filter_queuecalls": "Queue Calls", "colheader_callhistory_datetime": "Date/Time", "colheader_callhistory_event": "Event", "colheader_callhistory_source": "Source", "colheader_callhistory_destination": "Destination", "colheader_callhistory_uniqueid": "UniqueID", "colheader_callhistory_wait": "Wait", "colheader_callhistory_duration": "Duration", "colheader_callhistory_eventtime": "Event Time", "colheader_callhistory_cid": "CID", "colheader_callhistory_extension": "Extension", "colheader_callhistory_context": "Context", "colheader_callhistory_app": "App", "colheader_callhistory_appdata": "AppData", "colheader_callhistory_channel": "Channel", "label_recordingPlayback_nofile": "File could not be found on the system.", "label_recordingPlayback_download": "Download", "label_recordingPlayback_close": "Close", "label_HourlyBreakdown": "Hourly Breakdown", "label_agentdetails": "Agent Details", "label_btnAdd": "Add", "label_btnAll": "All", "label_btnEnd": "End", "label_btnDial": "Dial", "label_btnJoin": "Join", "label_btnCancel": "Cancel", "label_confcall_add_warning": "Another conference call add is already in progress.", "label_rtccall_waiting": "Waiting for target to answer...", "label_dialableNumber_error": "The selected number is not a valid extension or phone number.", "label_callDragHelper": "Call Transfer: Drop on extension to complete", "label_agentWrapUp_tooltip": "In wrap-up timeout.", "label_queueselection_error": "A queue dropdown is missing a selection.", "label_timeframeselection_error": "A queue dropdown is missing a selection." } }, "voicemail": { "divTitle": "Voicemail", "header_CallerID": "Caller ID", "header_Received": "Received", "header_Folder": "Folder", "header_Duration": "Dur.", "header_Category": "Category", "settings": { "nav_BacktoMessages": "Back to Messages", "nav_MailboxSettings": "Mailbox Settings", "nav_ManageGreetings": "Manage Greetings", "label_vml_email": "E-Mail Address", "label_vml_email_tooltip": "E-Mail used to send voicemail notifications. If not specified, you will only be notified of voicemail via your phone message waiting lamp.", "label_vml_email_placeholder": "E-Mail Address", "label_voicemail_pin": "Voicemail PIN", "label_voicemail_pin_tooltip": "Numeric password for dialing into voicemail.", "label_voicemail_pin_placeholder": "Voicemail PIN (Required)", "label_vmpresszerodest": "Press Zero Override", "label_vmpresszerodest_tooltip": "Override the default '0' voicemail destination for this user's mailbox greeting.", "label_vmpresszerodest_placeholder": "Voicemail 0 Destination Extension (Optional)", "label_vm_delete": "Delete after E-Mailing", "label_vm_delete_tooltip": "Delete emails once they are successfully e-mailed.", "label_btnSaveMailboxSettings": "Save", "title_RecordGreetings": "Record Greetings w/Extension:", "label_btnVMGreetingsCallMe": "Call Me", "label_tmpGreetingsCallMeMsg": "Calling...", "label_myname_greeting": "My Name", "label_myname_greeting_description": "Recorded name is used for dial-by-name directories or can be used instead of recording normal greetings. In that case, they system will say \"(NAME) is unavailable, please leave a message.\"", "label_unavail_greeting": "Unavailable Message", "label_unavail_greeting_description": "Standard greeting played when you are unavailable.", "label_busy_greeting": "Busy Message", "label_busy_greeting_description": "Greeting played when you are on another call.", "label_temp_greeting": "Temporary Greeting", "label_temp_greeting_description": "This greeting will be played instead of your normal unavailable message when it exists. Use this if you're on vacation and delete when returning to resume using your normal greetings.", "label_upload_greeting_tooltip": "Upload WAV", "label_delete_greeting_tooltip": "Delete", "label_warning_vmnotconfigured": "Voicemail is not configured for your extension.", "error_voicemail_configure": "Voicemail is not configured for your extension.", "error_nomessages": "No messages in this folder.", "label_btnCancel": "Cancel", "label_btnConfirm": "Confirm", "label_name": "Name", "label_btnPermaDelete": "Permanently Delete", "warning_deletegreeting": "You are about to delete this recorded greeting. Are you sure?", "warning_greetingoverwrite": "A greeting is already saved for this type. It will be overwritten by this upload. Are you sure?", "error_greetingupload": "The selection made was not a .wav or .ulaw file." } }, "account": { "divTitle": "Manage Account", "settings": { "nav_ChangePassword": "Change Password", "nav_TwoFactor": "Two-Factor Authentication", "nav_Notifications": "Notification Settings", "nav_Location": "Location Settings", "nav_Meetings": "Meeting Preferences", "nav_Language": "Language Preferences", "nav_Phone": "Phone Preferences", "label_new_password": "New Password", "label_new_password_placeholder": "New Password", "label_repeat_password": "Repeat Password", "label_repeat_password_placeholder": "Repeat Password", "label_btnResetPassword": "Submit", "label_password_strength": "Password Strength", "label_twofactormethod": "Two-Factor Method", "label_select_twofactor_method": "Choose a 2FA Method", "label_select_twofactor_u2fkey": "U2F Security Key", "label_select_twofactor_googleauth": "Google Authenticator", "label_select_twofactor_text": "Text Message", "label_select_twofactor_phonecall": "Phone Call", "label_select_twofactor_none": "None", "label_helpbox_u2fkey": "Use a U2F security key", "label_helpbox_u2fkey_description": "You will be required to insert your compatible security key(s) (Yubikey, Google Titan, etc) and press its button when prompted during login.", "label_helpbox_gauth": "Use Google Authenticator application", "label_helpbox_gauth_description": "You will be required to access Google Authenticator and enter the temporary key as instructed during login.", "label_helpbox_phonecall": "Receive a phone call", "label_helpbox_phonecall_description": "System will dial your number and speak a five-digit code that you will be required to enter during login.", "label_helpbox_text": "Receive a text message", "label_helpbox_text_description": "System will send you a text message containing a five-digit code that you will be required to enter during login.", "header_u2f_keyname": "Key Name", "label_u2f_keyname_placeholder": "Name For This Key", "label_btnU2FEnroll": "Enroll", "label_add_u2fkey_button": "Add Security Key", "label_btnInitGauth2fa": "Continue", "label_gauth_code": "Authenticator Code", "label_gauth_code_placeholder": "Enter Authenticator Code", "label_text_phonenumber": "Phone Number", "label_text_phonenumber_placeholder": "Enter Mobile Number", "label_btnSMSEnroll": "Text Me", "label_text_code": "Authorization Code", "label_text_code_placeholder": "Enter Validation Code", "label_phonecall_phonenumber": "Phone Number", "label_phonecall_phonenumber_placeholder": "Enter Phone Number", "label_btnVoiceEnroll": "Call Me", "label_phonecall_code": "Authorization Code", "label_phonecall_code_placeholder": "Enter Validation Code", "label_btnComplete2faChange": "Submit", "label_notficationpermission": "Notification Permission", "label_enablenotification": "Enable Notifications", "label_btnNotifyPermission": "Grant Permission", "label_timezone": "Timezone", "label_select_timezone": "Choose a Timezone", "label_btnSaveAccountTimezone": "Submit", "label_meetingstatus": "Meeting Extension Status", "label_meetingstatus_tooltip": "When you are actively hosting a meeting, set your extension status will be changed.", "label_select_meetingstatus": "Select a Status", "label_select_meetingstatus_avail": "Available", "label_select_meetingstatus_dnd": "Do Not Disturb", "label_select_meetingstatus_away": "Away", "label_select_meetingstatus_xa": "Extended Away", "label_select_meetingstatus_chat": "Prefer Chat", "label_select_meetingstatus_unavail": "Unavailable", "label_btnSaveAccountMeeting": "Submit", "label_webphone": "Web Phone", "label_webphone_tooltip": "Select whether to use the Web Softphone or External Phone while logged into the User Portal.", "label_select_webphone": "Select a Preference", "label_select_webphone_webrtc": "Web Softphone", "label_select_webphone_hairpin": "External Phone", "header_softphone_pref": "Softphone Preferences", "label_softphone_mic": "Microphone", "label_softphone_mic_tooltip": "Choose your audio input device. This will be saved in your preferences and will apply unless your device(s) or computer changes.", "label_select_softphone_mic": "System Default", "label_softphone_speaker": "Speaker", "label_softphone_speaker_tooltip": "Choose your audio output device. This will be saved in your preferences and will apply unless your device(s) or computer changes.", "label_select_softphone_speaker": "System Default", "label_select_softphone_speaker_test": "Test Source", "label_softphone_ringer": "Ringer", "label_softphone_ringer_tooltip": "Choose your ringer audio output device. (It can be different than the output device for call audio.) This will be saved in your preferences and will apply unless your device(s) or computer changes.", "label_select_softphone_ringer": "System Default", "label_select_softphone_ringer_test": "Test Source", "label_softphone_ringtype": "Ring Type", "label_softphone_ringtype_tooltip": "Choose your ring audio.", "label_select_softphone_ringtype_standard": "Standard Ringtone", "label_select_softphone_ringtype_quiet": "Quiet Ringtone", "label_select_softphone_ringtype_silence": "Silence", "label_select_softphone_ringtype_test": "Test Sound", "label_btnSaveAccountPhone": "Submit", "statusmsg_password_mismatch": "Passwords do not match.", "statusmsg_password_specialchar": "Special character required.", "statusmsg_password_tooshort": "Password is too short. (Minimum length:", "statusmsg_password_weak": "Weak", "statusmsg_password_medium": "Medium", "statusmsg_password_good": "Good", "statusmsg_2fa_phonecall_request": "Request for code validation call placed.", "statusmsg_2fa_sms_request": "Code validation message sent.", "statusmsg_2fa_gauthcode_error": "Enter Authenticator Code (Try Again)", "statusmsg_newpassword_placeholder": "New Password", "statusmsg_repeatpassword_placeholder2": "Repeat Password", "statusmsg_2fa_u2fkey_registerederror": "This key is already registered.", "statusmsg_error": "Error", "statusmsg_2fa_u2fkey_success": "Security key successfully registered.", "statusmsg_2fa_u2fkey_verifyfail": "Key verification failure.", "statusmsg_2fa_disabled": "Two Factor Disabled", "label_language": "Language", "label_select_language": "Select a Language" } }, "extension": { "divTitle": "Extension Settings", "settings": { "nav_Mobility": "Mobility", "nav_FMFM": "Find-Me / Follow-Me", "nav_Presence": "Presence Settings", "title_PresenceSettings": "Presence Settings", "title_RingtimeOverride_helptext": "Define an alternate ring time (in seconds) for your extension. If left blank, ring time will be set to the default 19 seconds. 0 seconds will not ring your extension at all and proceed to FMFM settings (if enabled).", "title_modalEditPresence": "Edit Presence Status", "label_btnPresenceStatusCancel": "Cancel", "label_btnPresenceStatusProceed": "Save", "label_modalStatusname": "Status Name", "label_modalStatusname_tooltip": "This is the parent status to edit or add a sub-status to.", "label_modalIconColor": "Icon Color", "label_modalIconColor_tooltip": "Select a special color to be used for this status or sub-status.", "label_modalInternalBehavior": "Internal Behavior", "label_modalInternalBehavior_tooltip": "Select how this status or sub-status will handle calls within the system.", "label_modalExternalBehavior": "External Behavior", "label_modalExternalBehavior_tooltip": "Select how this status or sub-status will handle calls outside of the system.", "label_selectBehavior_allow": "Allow", "label_selectBehavior_voicemail": "Voicemail", "title_extmobility": "Extension Mobility", "title_extmobility_helptext": "Extension mobility allows you to easily move active calls between your desk, mobile, and other phones. The numbers below, \"**1\", \"**2\", etc. are what you press on your phone keypad in order to move the active call.", "label_extmobility1": "Transfer to your extension.", "label_extmobility_placeholder": "Enter Phone Number", "label_extmobility_error": "Phone number must be a dialable internal extension or domestic phone number.", "title_FMFM": "Find-Me / Follow-Me", "title_FMFM_helptext": "Take calls to your extension and redirect them to your mobile or other numbers when you're not able to answer.", "label_btnFMFMWizardStart": "Configure Follow-Me", "label_ringtime_override": "Ring Time Override", "label_ringtime_override_placeholder": "Ring Time Override (secs) (Optional)", "label_ringtime_override_tooltip": "Number of seconds to attempt primary extension before moving onto voicemail or find-me/follow-me options.", "label_enable_followme": "Active", "label_enable_followme_tooltip": "Follow-me active?", "label_ringback": "Ring-Back", "label_ringback_tooltip": "Caller will hear this will follow-me targets are dialed.", "label_select_ringback_ring": "Ringing (default)", "label_select_ringback_moh": "Music on Hold", "label_targetlist": "Target List", "label_targetlist_placeholder": "Target List (Required)", "label_targetlist_tooltip": "One phone number per line. (No punctuation.) Will be called in sequence or ring-all depending on choice below.", "label_hunttype": "Hunt Type", "label_hunttype_tooltip": "How to dial entries in the target list.", "label_select_hunttype_seqential": "Sequential (default)", "label_select_hunttype_ringall": "Ring-All", "label_ringtime": "Ring Time (secs)", "label_ringtime_placeholder": "Ring Time (secs)", "label_ringtime_tooltip": "How many seconds to ring each target (or all targets if ring-all) before End Behavior.", "label_enable_confirmcalls": "Confirm Calls", "label_enable_confirmcalls_tooltip": "Choose whether or recipients of follow-me calls should press \"1\" to accept calls. This is useful is you want to prevent voicemail from answering.", "label_callerid": "Caller-ID", "label_callerid_tooltip": "Choose whether to preserve the original CallerID or to replace with External CID value. (Default=presere original)", "label_select_callerid_default": "Pass Through CallerID (Default)", "label_select_callerid_force": "Override CID w/External CID Setting", "label_endbehavior": "End Behavior", "label_endbehavior_tooltip": "Final action after each target has been attempted.", "label_select_endbehavior_voicemail": "Voicemail (default)", "label_select_endbehavior_loop": "Loop", "title_fmfmwizard_step1": "Follow-Me Configuration Wizard (Step 1/4)", "header_fmfmwizard_step1": "Step 1: Initial Ring Time", "header_fmfmwizard_step1_helptext": "How long should the system try ringing your main extension before activating Follow-Me? (Hint: Set to 0s if you want skip directly to Follow-Me and simultaneously ring your extension and another phone.)", "title_fmfmwizard_step2": "Follow-Me Configuration Wizard (Step 2/4)", "header_fmfmwizard_step2": "Step 2: Phone Numbers", "header_fmfmwizard_step2_helptext": "Enter the phone numbers that should ring when Follow-Me is active. Your extension number can be one of these numbers--so if you'd like to ring both your mobile and desk phones, enter them both below and then choose \"Ring-All\" for ring type.", "label_fmfmwizard_targetlist_placeholder": "Target List, one number per line. (Required)", "label_fmfmwizard_hunttype_tooltip": "How to dial entries in the target list. Sequential: One number at a time. Ring-All: Ring all numbers at the same time.", "title_fmfmwizard_step3": "Follow-Me Configuration Wizard (Step 3/4)", "header_fmfmwizard_step3": "Step 3: Follow-Me Experience", "header_fmfmwizard_step3_helptext": "Time to dial each Follow-Me number. (When Ring-All is specified, all numbers will be called at the same time for this duration.) After that, callers can either go to voicemail or loop continuously through Follow-Me. Ringing will be heard by the called unless the system's music on hold option is chosen.", "label_fmfmwizard_callersounds": "Caller Sounds", "label_fmfmwizard_callersounds_tooltip": "Choose whether caller will hear Ring-Back or Music on Hold.", "label_fmfmwizard_endbehavior_tooltip": "Final action after each target has been attempted.", "title_fmfmwizard_step4": "Follow-Me Configuration Wizard (Step 4/4)", "header_fmfmwizard_step4": "Step 4: Press 1 to Accept Call", "header_fmfmwizard_step4_helptext": "Use this option to ensure the system voicemail answers if you do not pick up. (Example: Calls to cell phones might go directly to voicemail if without coverage or not charged.)", "label_fmfmwizard_confirmcalls_tooltip": "Choose whether or recipients of follow-me calls should press \"1\" to accept calls.", "label_btnFMFMWizardCancel": "Cancel", "label_btnFMFMWizardNext": "Next", "label_btnFMFMWizardFinish": "Finish", "statusmsg_seconds": "seconds", "statusmsg_mobilityxfer_modal": "Remove mobility transfer destination? (Destinations below this will shift upward.)", "statusmsg_fmfmwizard_seconds": "seconds" } }, "meetings": { "divTitle_manage": "Meetings", "divTitle_edit": "Schedule Meeting", "header_MeetingTime": "Time", "header_MeetingDetails": "Details", "settings": { "label_meetingname": "Meeting Name (Optional)", "label_select_meetingtype_web": "Web Meeting", "label_select_meetingtype_audio": "Audio Only", "label_select_meetingoccurance_once": "Occurs Once", "label_select_meetingoccurance_recurring": "Recurring Meeting", "label_meetingday_placeholder": "Day", "label_meetingday_placeholder_alt": "Day (Required)", "label_meetingtime_placeholder": "Start Time", "label_meetingtime_placeholder_alt": "Time (Required)", "label_select_meetingduration_15": "15 mins", "label_select_meetingduration_30": "30 mins", "label_select_meetingduration_60": "1 hour", "label_select_meetingduration_90": "1 hour 30 mins", "label_select_meetingduration_120": "2 hours", "label_select_meetingduration_150": "2 hours 30 mins", "label_select_meetingduration_180": "3 hours", "label_select_meetingduration_240": "4 hours", "label_select_meetingduration_300": "5 hours", "label_select_meetingduration_360": "6 hours", "label_select_meetingexpires_yes": "Expires", "label_select_meetingexpires_no": "Does Not Expire", "label_moderatorkey_placeholder": "Moderator Key (Required)", "label_participantpw_placeholder": "Participant Password (Optional)", "label_maxparticipants_placeholder": "Maximum Participants (Optional), Default: 20", "label_maxparticipants_placeholder_alt": "Maximum Participants (Optional), Default:", "label_enable_recording": "Enable Recording?", "label_enable_transcription": "Recording Transcription", "label_enable_delete_recording": "Delete Recording after Transcription", "label_btnMeetingSave": "Save", "label_meetinginvite_copypast_helptext": "Copy and paste to your calendar or send an e-mail invitation with calendar attachment below.", "label_invite_participants_placeholder": "E-Mail Addresses (Comma Separated)", "label_invite_participants_placeholder_alt": "E-Mail Address(es) (Required)", "label_btnMeetingInvSkip": "Skip", "label_btnMeetingInvMail": "E-Mail", "label_btnScheduleMeeting": "Schedule Meeting", "statusmsg_meetingdelete_modal": "You are about to delete this meeting. If you have invited participants, they will not be able to join. Are you sure?" } }, "fax_upload": { "title": "Send Fax", "settings": { "label_phonenumber": "Recipient Number", "label_phonenumber_placeholder": "Fax Recipient (Required)", "label_email": "E-Mail for Receipt", "label_email_placeholder": "E-Mail for Receipt (Required)", "label_uploadfile": "Upload PDF File", "label_btnfaxupload": "Browse", "label_btnsubmit": "Submit", "error_invalidnumber": "Fax number is not valid. Please enter a 10 digit number with no '( )' or '-'", "error_nofileselected": "No file was selected to upload.", "error_wrongfiletype": "The file you selected is not a PDF.", "label_pleasewait": "PLEASE WAIT", "label_success": "Fax send in progress. You will receive an email confirmation when completed." } }, "call_history": { "title": "Call History", "settings": { "label_datefrom": "From Date", "label_todate": "To Date", "label_callresult_all": "All Results", "label_callresult_answered": "Answered", "label_callresult_noanswer": "No Answer", "label_callresult_failed": "Failed", "label_callresult_busy": "Busy", "label_calldirection_any": "Any Direction", "label_calldirection_in": "Inbound", "label_calldirection_out": "Outbound", "label_calldirection_internal": "Internal", "header_calldate": "Call Date", "header_direction": "Direction", "header_source": "Source", "header_destination": "Destination", "header_duration": "Duration", "header_result": "Result", "error_nocalls": "No calls found." } }, "directories": { "divTitle_system": "System Directory", "divTitle_personal": "Edit Personal Directory", "settings": { "error_primarydevice": "No primary device was found for this extension. Contact your administrator for further assistance.", "label_btnAddExtension": "Add Extension", "label_btnAddExternal": "Add External Number", "label_btnSave": "Save", "header_phonenumber": "Phone Number", "header_showbutton": "Show on Button", "header_firstname": "First Name", "header_lastname": "Last Name", "title_addexternal": "Add New External Contact", "title_editexternal": "Edit External Contact", "label_btnCancel": "Cancel", "label_btnContinue": "Continue", "label_extension_placeholder": "Extension (Required)", "label_phonenumber": "Phone Number", "label_phonenumber_tooltip": "External contact phone number", "label_phonenumber_placeholder": "Phone Number (Required)", "label_prefix": "Prefix", "label_prefix_tooltip": "External contact name prefix", "label_prefix_placeholder": "Prefix (Optional)", "label_firstname": "First Name", "label_firstname_tooltip": "External contact first name", "label_firstname_placeholder": "First Name (Optional)", "label_middlename": "Middle Name", "label_middlename_tooltip": "External contact middle name", "label_middlename_placeholder": "Middle Name (Optional)", "label_lastname": "Last Name", "label_lastname_tooltip": "External contact last name", "label_lastname_placeholder": "Last Name (Required)", "label_suffix": "Suffix", "label_suffix_tooltip": "External contact name suffix", "label_suffix_placeholder": "Suffix (Optional)", "label_department": "Department", "label_department_tooltip": "External contact organization/department", "label_department_placeholder": "Organization or Department (Optional)", "label_location": "Location", "label_location_tooltip": "External contact location", "label_location_placeholder": "Location (Optional)", "label_jobtitle": "Job Title", "label_jobtitle_tooltip": "External contact job title", "label_jobtitle_placeholder": "Job Title (Optional)", "label_showbutton": "Show on Button?", "label_showbutton_tooltip": "Enable to assign contact to DTMF key", "label_subscribe": "Subscribe?", "label_dial": "Dial", "label_btnCall": "Call", "label_btnVoicemail": "Voicemail", "label_btnChooseDirectory": "Choose Directory", "error_nodirectoryentries": "No entries in directory." } }, "webphone": { "warning_failedcall1": "Your call to", "warning_failedcall2": "failed. Cause:", "warning_invalidnumber": "The target entered is not a valid extension or phone number.", "settings": { "label_dialpad": "Dialpad", "label_startrecording": "Start Recording", "label_pauserecording": "Pause Recording", "label_sendtovm": "Send to VM", "label_park": "Park", "label_conference": "Conference", "label_transfer": "Transfer", "label_waitingfortarget": "Waiting for target to answer...", "alert_noactivesession": "Transfer failed because there is no active session.", "error_xferinprogress": "Another call transfer is already in progress.", "label_blindxfer": "Blind", "label_attendedxfer": "Attended", "label_waitingforxfer": "Waiting to complete transfer...", "label_complete": "Complete", "label_cancel": "Cancel" } }, "main": { "settings": { "label_xa": "Extended Away", "label_away": "Away", "label_dnd": "Do Not Disturb", "label_chat": "Prefer Chat", "label_available": "Available", "label_unavailable": "Unavailable", "label_call": "On the phone", "label_permission_granted": "Granted", "label_permission_notgranted": "Not granted", "warning_notifications_disabled": "Your browser notifications are disabled", "label_btnEnable": "Enable", "label_dialer_placeholder": "Enter a number", "label_btnDial": "Dial" } }, "throwWarningModal": { "title_warning": "WARNING", "title_confirm": "CONFIRM", "title_error": "ERROR", "title_callfailed": "CALL FAILED", "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close", "no": "No", "yes": "Yes", "proceed": "Proceed", "ok": "Ok", "request_error": "There was an error processing the request. Please contact an administrator.", "blocked_media": "You have blocked microphone access to this site, which prevents web softphone use. For assistance in Chrome, click here. For Safari, click here. For Firefox, click here." }, "toastrAlerts": { "blocked_media": "Error: You have blocked microphone access to this site, which prevents web softphone use. For assistance in Chrome, click here. For Safari, click here. For Firefox, click here." } } ;